What is ACE?


Nationally-recognized*, the Academy for College Excellence (ACE) is an intensive program designed for maximum results. No matter what your current abilities are, in just one semester you discover new skills and use techniques to learn faster, study better and balance your personal responsibilities, so you complete a full-time load of college-courses successfully. From the moment you start at ACE you will excel rapidly. All ACE course credit applies towards your Cabrillo College degree.  

Academy for College Excellence (ACE) works because it encourages you to dig deep within yourself to look at the experiences in your life that have shaped how you approach everything you do. It helps develop new ways of making things work really well for you and supports you to achieve the goals you set and put what you learn to work right away so you complete your full-time semester successfully.  

An independent research study by ACE's National Science Foundation evaluator confirms that after just one semester, ACE students perform better in college— they double their grade point average and successfully complete twice as many courses per semester. Just imagine how proud you and your family will feel when you do too! Most important, you develop self-esteem so you feel confident and self-assured, which accelerates your success in college, on the job and in your life.